About us
BORMANN  is the expert for mobile solutions and individual service features in the computer industry. One step ahead has always been guaranteeing the success of our company for more than 50 years.

Persuasive technology, efficient sales, excellent consultation and support on-site have constantly expanded the customer base in Germany, Europe and worldwide.

In 1966 BORMANN EDV + ZUBEHOER was founded by Mrs Christine Bormann and her husband Günter Bormann. From 1983 till 2018 Hans-Joachim Bormann had been leading the successful family-owned company. The sons Michael and Tim Bormann (3rd generation) have been continuing the long-term cultivation of the company’s strategy as new participators since April 2013 and as equal General managers since July 2018.

Besides dependable products and brilliant service, innovative solutions combined with skilled advice for process improvement of customers’ issues are also company goals of BORMANN.

"Our ambition is to create the easiest hardware solution for you." ~ Michael Bormann
  • Foundation: 1966
  • Location: Neusaess in the near of Augsburg (Bavaria, Germany)
  • Number of employees: 50
  • IT-hardware manufacturer
  • Own development and production line in the house